Friday, November 20, 2009

Caleb is here!

Caleb is officially a week old today. We have been home for three days and things are going pretty good. Now for the details of the last week:

Since I have been measuring big through out the pregnancy, my doctor sent me in for an ultrasound on Thursday the 12th. Well the ultrasound tech seemed concerned with the size of the baby so she faxed my results to the doctor instead of waiting for the next courier service like normal. I got a call Friday around 12from my nurse practitioner saying that Caleb is measuring over 10 pounds and it looked like I had no amniotic fluid. She wanted to check with the Doctor and call me back but that I was probably looking at a c-section! The Doctor called me about 12:30 and said to get to the hospital now I am having this baby today! He said because the Ultrasound could measure a pound off in either direction that he did not want to risk Caleb being on the bigger end of the scale and getting stuck in the birth canal so he was not going to let me try to deliver vaginal.

So I called Will, jumped in the shower and did the dishes! (I know pregnancy does crazy things to your brain) We got to the hospital and I guess the doctor had not informed the nurses station I was coming so they had no beds available. They ended up hooking me up to monitors in the prep room for the OR while they were cleaning up a station in recovery. I was checked in and hooked up by about 2pm. They took me into the OR at about 3:45 and at 4:09 Caleb was born. Turns out there was plenty of amniotic fluid and Caleb weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. During the surgery the doctors were joking about signing Caleb up for peewee football! It was very fast and painless, but I spent the entire time in the operating room sick! I was sick for quite a while afterward too. They wanted me to feed him around 8pm but I was still so sick, I could neither sit up nor take my head off the pillow. So unfortunately Caleb's first meal was a bottle of formula. By Midnight I was still nauseous but I was able to breast feed, and by 2am I was feeling much better, actually able to sit up all the way.

We came home on Tuesday and everything is going pretty good. Caleb had his first doctors visit and after dropping about 3/4 of a pound, is already back up to 9lb 3oz. We have already been peed on a few times and had a very interesting experience with projectile pooping during a changing session, but all in all everything is fairly normal. Click on the picture to see Calebs hospital stay and family photos!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Belly Pic!

This is from Halloween at Scott and Emily's house so I was 37 weeks and 2 days. Emily is 5 weeks behind me due at Christmas! We went trick or treating with Kaitlin and her cousins, Sydney, Lucas, and Austin. It was a lot of fun! If you click on the picture you can see my other belly pictures. Boy do I look big!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

3 More Weeks!

I saw my nurse practitioner yesterday and she is like me, not really concerned if Caleb is a little bigger. I mean come on, its not like I am a twig! She assured me that he might be over 8 but not likely to be over 9. I have been increasingly uncomfortable this week. I feel like I might come unhinged at the hips sometimes! Courtney came over and helped me clean the house which was great because I have not been energetic enough to do it myself. So now we wait! but who knows, I am going trick or treating with Emily and Kaitlin in Yuba city so lots of walking this weekend, hopefully that will help! I will post a belly picture soon, I know it has been a while!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Another Ultrasound

My doctor has been telling me that I am measuring bigger than I should be so I get to go for another ultrasound today and I see my nurse practitioner on Wed. As my little ticker says, I am 36 weeks and 4 days! Any time now would be great!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

5 Weeks to go!

So as of today I have five weeks left until my due date of Nov. 19th. My doctor decided to send me for another ultrasound to check Caleb's size. She keeps telling me he is going to be a big baby! I am hoping that if this is the case that I really only have like 2 or 3 more weeks instead of 5! We will see...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baby Shower Pictures!

Here are the baby shower pictures! It was a really fun party. There are a few profile belly pictures of me in there. I was 32 weeks and 2 days!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I had my shower this last weekend and boy do I feel the love! I was very fortunate to get a lot of wonderful things for Caleb. We Still have a few things to get before we are ready (mattress and changing table pad for example) but I think it will have to wait till next weekend! :( We are trying to finish the bathroom project (grout and sealing the grout) and we are heading up to apple hill on Saturday! I will put up pictures of the shower soon! Thank you to Silvia for letting us use her house. Thank you to my mom and sis for putting things together and making it a success, and thank you to everyone that came and I hope you had a good time!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Belly pic and update

So I am 31 weeks today. Only 9 more weeks to go! My shower is next weekend and I am so excited to see every one. Family and friends coming into town, it should be a fun time! I am now going to the doctor every 2 weeks, and I get to have another ultrasound on Monday. I am excited to see how Caleb has grown. Here is my most recent belly picture. If you click on it you can see all of my other belly pictures too.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

New belly picture!

Courtney took this picture on Monday. I was 28 weeks 4 days. And I am officially in the third trimester! Caleb is making his presence known. Every time I lean forward, slouch or squat, I get a swift kick to the ribs. It is fun and I am getting used to the kicks and pokes, but every now and then I get a really strong one and it surprises me!


Well we have put the furniture together! It is in the room and I think the pieces are in the positions they will stay in. We are still missing a few things, there is a big hole between the changer and dresser. We plan on getting a book shelf to go there. We also want to get a small table to put under the window next to the glider. Yes we will eventually put the doors back on, but they need to be sanded and painted. But other than the obvious things like a mattress and a baby, we are about done setting up! Click on the picture to see the whole room!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Due date!

So this whole time we have been going with the Due Date Nov. 23. The Monday before Thanksgiving, which means that if this is a traditional first baby, I was likely to have him the weekend after Turkey Day. (Fine with me as long as I get my mashed potatoes and my mom's stuffing) But the DR. told me today that my due date is actually the 19th so who knows! Caleb could make it in time for Turkey! I know you never know but it is fun to think about it. The circles in the nursery are almost done so we will have pics of that and my most recent belly pic up soon!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


So after William was done priming with the paint sprayer, he came out all white! So before he started with the blue, we got him a jump suit and mask. He still ended with a little blue in his hair and eye lashes as well as his feet! The room looks really good, very bright! Now I am going to draw circles on the walls for William to paint when he gets back from Denver. He also has to paint the ceiling and then we are pretty much done! Click on the picture to see more!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Texturing is done!

And priming has begun! I tried to tell William that he could take a break and wait til the weekend, but he start priming last night. He primed all of the spots we painted around the room to see if the texture looked ok. Now the rest of the orange wall needs to be primed.

26 weeks!

Its not the prettiest pic but there I am!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


William is texturing the walls in the room. Abbie was "helping" him for a while. She was mostly sitting and watching the lights reflecting on the walls. But when she started to try and jump and get one, I decided she should probably not help any more so this is what she did instead.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Baby Furniture!

So we got out baby furniture this week. We weren't exactly planning on getting it but had to. Let me explain...
I randomly got on sears' website to look and see if maybe our furniture was on sale. When I looked, the dresser no longer appeared on the website! So I called their internet customer service people and asked if that means if they are no longer selling that set. She says if it is gone off the web then they probably won't be selling it any more! So by this time I am internally freaking out because that is the only set that William and I have agreed on. So I started calling all of the sears' in the area to see if they had all the pieces before they disappeared! Only the Arden fair location had the pieces but would not hold them for more than the day. So we had to run down and buy the furniture before it was gone! We ended up getting the crib, dresser, changing table and glider and ottoman. But since we are still about a week or so away from painting, the stuff is all sitting in boxes in the garage! I am anxious now to get it all set up and see the room starting to come together!
Here is the link for the crib, changer and glider. Like I said the dresser is no longer on their site.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Belly Picture!

So here I am at 24 weeks. It was funny taking this picture because Abbie gets really excited any time I turn on the camera so she kept sitting in front of Courtney waiting for her picture to be taking. So she decided that she wanted to be in the picture with me!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Painting Practice

Here we are practicing circles. Our plan is for the main wall color to be the blue you see, and then accents with circles in the green and other shades of blue. (not in the pics) Most of the circles were just traced on the wall and then free hand painted. We tried a stencil and stamping, both were a pain. We also discovered that William has a little bit of an artist in him (or may be just an anal retentive perfectionist!) He is in charge of the circles, I cannot be trusted with this task! I did a few the big blue one, and the bottom of the group of three blue ones. It seems that as I go my circle gets bigger trying to make up for the bumps and blurbs! This weekend was also busy putting a final coat of paint on the dining area. That room is now done except for about 8 feet worth of flooring, baseboards and trim around the door. We figure we should try and get one thing done before we really start on the other! My goal is for us to have the baby's room done by the end of August or beginning of September. We shall see!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Caleb's Room 2

As you can see we have moved most of the stuff out. I still have to go through my hope chest and empty it so it can be moved out into the shop as well. Th rest of this stuff is little things i need to make room for in other areas around the house. I have named the last picture "the baby corner." With the exception of the vacuum sitting right in front that is where i have piled the things we have collected so far like the car seat, stroller, and clothes we have gotten. My goal is to have the room emptied enough so that William can patch the big hole in the back wall from when we moved our electrical panel. So maybe in like two or three weeks we will be able to paint! I know I have 17 weeks to go, but that doesn't seem very long!

Caleb's Room

This is the start of the nursery. The only thing that has been taken out so far is the full sized bed that was in here. As you can see we have a lot of work to do! Most of this stuff is in here because we needed to re roof the shop and put in new windows. But now that that is done we can move this stuff out! A lot of it (the boxes in the middle picture) is my school stuff.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby clothes!

The first I bought today at the carters outlet. Courtney picked out the baseball one, it says "Daddy's All Star." I picked out the bear one, I think it might make a cute coming home outfit! The middle pic is 2 onesies I bought with a gift card at baby gap. The last one is a onesie I got while I was in Oregon (duh) last summer. The bib is hilarious. My mom got it in Hawaii and it says "My relatives, what a lovely bunch of coconuts!" Either side of our families I think it fits rather well, don't you?!?

Stuff I got!

This is our first official baby present! William's Step-Grandma, Mary, made this for us! It's so soft!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Baby Name!

We are going with the name Caleb Dean!

Baby Bedding

Looking at all of the bedding options at all the stores in our area, William and I could not find one we liked. So we finally decided to buy our crib bedding online. Our theme is Noah's Ark. The bedding got delivered today and I just love it! All in all we got the quilt, crib bumper, sheet, dust ruffle, diaper stacker, and window valance. We also bought a set of 5 wall hangings. I can't wait now till we finish our shop outside so we can stop using the baby's room as a storage unit!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's a Boy!

There it is! The tech called it his twinkie! She said that he was sticking it out at the moment! He is measuring between 19 weeks 3 days and 20 weeks 1 day. According to my due date I am 19 weeks and 3 days today so that is right on schedule!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Our First Big Baby Purchase

We got our travel system! It is called the graco milano, it is gray stripes of various shades. I can't wait till we get to buy our crib and things!


This is ultrasound at 13 weeks. The top one reminds me of an alien face! It is a full face shot, but mostly you can see the skeletal structure of the face. The bottom one is a great shot. On the right is his/her foot that was pumping up and down on my bladder in between shots!

My First Blog

I wanted to do this blog so that friends and family can stay in touch with what is going on in our life with Baby on the way. I am about 18 weeks right now. We get to find out what the sex of the baby is on July 2nd so we are very excited. I have not felt a lot of movement yet, just some flutterings here and there which my doctor says is totally normal. Thats all for now!